I just have a 'thing' for churches! I like visiting them, exploring them and taking pictures of them. I hope to feature some of those we visit during our weekly wanderings.
South Lake Johanna Lutheran Church
This quaint wooden structure and its surrounding cemetery are nestled peacefully in an oak woods along County Road 37 in Pope County. Although there was still snow all around the day we visited, it was a beautiful day for a walk. So after we finished a wonderful turkey dinner (and Paul continued visiting, of course), my camera and I took a little walk into the sanctuary, around the grounds and down the lane and I chatted with some of the members as I toured.
Words came to mind during my 'walk about'... natural splendor, simple truth and humble beauty.
On my tour, I learned that the congregation was formed 150 years ago and the first structure lasted 56 years before a fire destroyed it. But the faithful folks of the area found the funds to replace it in 1942. And so it stands today as a sign of the faith, determination and priorities of the people who knew the importance of coming together for regular worship experiences.
As I walked up the hill away from the church, I spied this little 'watch duck,' sitting atop a large wooden fence post, keeping a broken eye on the church in the valley.
Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth where rust and moth corrupt or where thieves break in and steal but lay up treasures in heaven where moth and rust does not corrupt and thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is there will your heart be also.
Matthew 6:19-21
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